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When the authorities can't know

Are you afraid that the municipality, your doctor or other authorities will find out that you are pregnant? Here is some advice about what you can do and who can help.

If you hold a Danish civil registration (CPR) number you have the right to a number of free healthcare services until the time of the birth. These include scans, antenatal education and regular consultations by doctors and midwives.

If you don’t have the yellow medical card (CPR number) you can get emergency help from public healthcare services and from a number of health clinics. 

However, not all women take advantage of these offers. Like yourself, some women choose to hide their pregnancy from the municipality, doctors and other authorities.  

The reasons for this vary. Some worry that the child will be removed at birth, others are in the country illegally and therefore fear being deported if discovered.  

Option of anonymous and confidential help

No matter what the reason is that you don’t want the authorities to know about your situation right now, it can be a lonely and unsafe situation to be in.  

Being on your guard all the time (e.g. if you have regular meetings with a social worker) can be a great burden. At the same time, it is quite natural to worry about whether the pregnancy is progressing as it should.  

Remember, you have the option of seeking anonymous and confidential help. We have listed a number of options below, whether you are considering an abortion or going ahead with the pregnancy.  

These are your options if you are considering an abortion

  • If you do not hold a yellow medical card
  • If you have a Danish civil registration (CPR) number  

These are your options if you want to go ahead with the pregnancy 

  • If you do not hold a yellow medical card
  • If you have a Danish civil registration (CPR) number  

How can I give birth as discrete as possible?

If you know you want to go ahead with the pregnancy, then this particular question might be a concern to you.  

Very few people will be comfortable giving birth alone, and it is highly recommended to have healthcare professionals with you, as childbirth does not always proceed without complications. 

When you arrive to give birth at a Danish hospital, the normal procedure is that a birth record is prepared and linked to your civil registration (CPR) number. In practice it is actually possible to give birth anonymously whether you have a Danish civil registration number or not. 

If you ask to give birth anonymously, the hospital will provide you with a replacement civil registration number. The child that is born will also receive replacement civil registration number.

In order to set up a replacement civil registration number you will generally need to provide your date of birth, gender, full name and possibly also your address. This is because the hospital may need to get in touch with you afterwards. 

Read more about your options for help during childbirth here. 

You can get help here

Click on the region where you are, and see where you can get support and guidance or emergency help.
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