Holdepunkt, Mødrehjælpen’s nationwide counselling service, offers a free and independent support call if you have doubts about abortion. The call can help you on the right path to making the choice that is right for you.
You can also talk to Holdepunkt’s counsellors about the fears you have about the authorities discovering your pregnancy. They have great knowledge of the relevant rules and can guide you in terms of what your rights are, etc. You can contact Holdepunkt here.
If you decide that abortion is the right choice for you, you have the option to have it done within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you are further along than that special circumstances are required to have an abortion approved.
Up to week 8, the abortion is done by you taking some pills. This is called a medical abortion.
A medical abortion can be carried out with complete discretion by a gynaecologist, without requiring a referral from your own doctor. If you don’t have a referral, you must pay for the abortion yourself.
Abortions performed later than week eight are typically done surgically in a hospital.
Read more about abortion here.